

transitive verb sup·port \sə-ˈprt\

: to agree with or approve of (someone or something)

: to show that you approve of (someone or something) by doing something

: to give help or assistance to (someone or something)

Full Definition of SUPPORT

:  to endure bravely or quietly :  bear
a (1) :  to promote the interests or cause of (2) :  to uphold or defend as valid or right :  advocate <supports fair play> (3) :  to argue or vote for <supported the motion to lower taxes>
b (1) :  assist, help <bombers supported the ground troops>
(2) :  to act with (a star actor) (3) :  to bid in bridge so as to show support for
c :  to provide with substantiation :  corroborate <support an alibi>
a :  to pay the costs of :  maintain <support a family>
b :  to provide a basis for the existence or subsistence of <the island could probably support three — A. B. C. Whipple> <support a habit>
a :  to hold up or serve as a foundation or prop for
b :  to maintain (a price) at a desired level by purchases or loans; also :  to maintain the price of by purchases or loans
:  to keep from fainting, yielding, or losing courage :  comfort
:  to keep (something) going
sup·port·abil·i·ty \sə-ˌpr-tə-ˈbi-lə-tē\ noun
sup·port·able \-ˈpr-tə-bəl\ adjective
sup·port·ive \-ˈpr-tiv\ adjective
sup·port·ive·ness \-nəs\ noun

Origin of SUPPORT

Middle English, from Anglo-French supporter, from Late Latin supportare, from Latin, to transport, from sub- + portare to carry — more at fare
First Known Use: 14th century

Related to SUPPORT

advocate, back, champion, endorse (also indorse), patronize, plump (for), plunk (for) or plonk (for), go in for, go to bat for, hold a brief for, stand up for, stick up for, foot the bill (for), take care of
disprove, rebut, refute

Synonym Discussion of SUPPORT

support, uphold, advocate, back, champion mean to favor actively one that meets opposition. support is least explicit about the nature of the assistance given <supports waterfront development>. uphold implies extended support given to something attacked <upheld the legitimacy of the military action>. advocate stresses urging or pleading <advocated prison reform>. back suggests supporting by lending assistance to one failing or falling <refusing to back the call for sanctions>. champion suggests publicly defending one unjustly attacked or too weak to advocate his or her own cause <championed the rights of children>.



: the act of showing that you believe that someone or something is good or acceptable : approval of someone or something

: the act of helping someone by giving love, encouragement, etc.

: help that is given in the form of money or other valuable things

Full Definition of SUPPORT

a :  the act or process of supporting :  the condition of being supported
b :  assistance provided by a company to users of its products <customer support>
:  one that supports —often used attributively <a support staff>
:  sufficient strength in a suit bid by one's partner in bridge to justify raising the suit

First Known Use of SUPPORT

14th century
SUPPORT[2] Defined for Kids


verb sup·port \sə-ˈprt\

Definition of SUPPORT for Kids

:  to hold up or in position :  serve as a foundation or prop for <Posts support the porch roof.>
:  to take sides with :  favor <Which candidate do you support?>
:  to provide evidence for :  verify <They cannot support this claim.>
:  to pay the costs of :  maintain <His income supports a large family.>
:  to keep going :  sustain <There is not enough air to support life.>
:  to provide help or encouragement to <My friends supported me while I was sick.>
sup·port·er noun



Definition of SUPPORT for Kids

:  the act of supporting :  the condition of being supported
:  someone or something that supports


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